Weapons Prop


Action Poses
The above images are from Character Design. The images, from top to bottom, is the weapon prop design, turnaround character sheet, and character action sheet. To make a long story short, my characters name is Mui "Anna" Ng and she was raised by her grandfather. Along with the other chinese people, who came to the United States to live a better life, ended up building the railroads. Anna's grandfather was murdered and she vowed to find the killer and get revenge. Anna's weapons of choice is both the Chicken Sabre Sickle and the White Wax Staff, as seen above.
Weapons Prop:
Software: Photoshop CS2, Flash 8
Style: Open
I found this to be the most difficult of the three as I am still trying to sharpen my skills in Photoshop.
Character Turnaround:
Software: Photoshop CS2
Style: Mike Mignola
The style was probably the hardest thing to manage when building up to this final render. Most of the studies and drawings we do at Digipen were of at least 4 values minimum, but for this artist you had to visualize a 3D world in a 2D, 2 value style. Once I revisited the "straight line relationships" learned in Advance Life Drawing it became easier. Now it was just the matter of proportions.
Character Action Pose:
Software: Photoshop CS2
Style: Mike Mignola
Pretty much all that I said about the turnaround is true for this final piece. The only thing different is how much easier it became once I understood how to approach it with the tools I used.