Here are the block-in's for the huts that will be used for the village which will be on the HipHog's back. This is just a rough in and not really final in design, still working on it. The challenges I faced with placing huts on the back of the HipHog was the stilt designs.
Stilt or not to Stilt, wait how about float?
Stilt designs looked like fun and there were a lot of things I could of done with that design, but how were the huts going to be mounted onto the back of the HipHop and still be believable that people could possibly occupy them? The solution came to me when I was watching white river rafting, I still want to do that looks like so much fun, and saw 5 people sitting in a raft floating along a river getting ready to hit the rapids. So, to make a long story short, float the huts!
Instead of making the villages forced into the HipHog why not have them float, that way I do not have to figure out how a bunch of sticks get planted into the skin of the HipHog. I put the huts on floating logs and wood, covering them with banana leaves and tying them down with really big ropes.
As you can see the leaves on the hut are really blocky, but as stated earlier its a rough block-in of the village, I have other plans for those leaves and hope to post this again with tons of changes by Friday, 19th November before I hit the Harry Potter movie with friends at DigiPen.
Thanks for taking the time for reading my blog and hope you enjoy what you see. Til next time....